Win An Argument In A Case With Forensic Weather Experts


Our forensic weather experts help win an argument in a court case with tailored legal analysis for a storm damage claim. To accomplish this, we utilize proven methodologies for Doppler radar image analysis and certifiable weather data combined with our expertise in meteorology to provide accurate, in-depth expert reports.

Each report includes:

Consultation with our Expert Forensic Meteorologist
Multiple storm dates and perils
Report prepared and signed by our Expert Forensic Meteorologist
Suitable for cross-examination
Prepared for evidence in a court of law
Passes Daubert Requirements -- Federal Rule 702
Time to Delivery: 3-4 weeks

How To Get Objective & Convincing Court Evidence For A Storm


Request Consultation

Meet with a meteorologist to understand your needs.

Preliminary Review

Our expert will review the storm & contact you with insights.


We will create the Expert Report for your case.

Avoid Weak, Uncompelling Evidence With Our Forensic Weather Experts

Provide objective and factual weather evidence
Use evidence that is easy to understand by non-experts
Retain a court-experienced expert meteorologist

The Power of Each Storm & Hail Report to Navigate The Claim Process

Report Feature





Multiple Storm Dates
Multiple Perils
Single Date Of Loss
Prepared By A Forensic Meteorologist
Includes National Weather Service (NWS) Reports
Sufficient for Discovery, Appraisal, & Arbitration
Supporting Arguments & Conclusions
Suitable for Court Depositions & Cross-Examination
Prepared to be Evidence in a Court of Law
Passes Federal Rule of Evidence 702 Daubert Requirements
Appropriate for Legal Rebuttals








Multiple Storm Dates
Multiple Perils
Single Date Of Loss
Prepared By A Forensic Meteorologist
Includes National Weather Service (NWS) Reports
Sufficient for Discovery, Appraisal, & Arbitration
Supporting Arguments & Conclusions
Suitable for Court Depositions & Cross-Examination
Prepared to be Evidence in a Court of Law
Passes Federal Rule of Evidence 702 Daubert Requirements
Appropriate for Legal Rebuttals



Forensic Weather Experts Delivering Reports That Stand Up In Court

Our Expert Report provides a detailed, comprehensive analysis of weather conditions relevant to legal cases, using proven methodologies that meet the Daubert standard. Designed for clarity and reliability, our reports ensure your case is supported by credible meteorological evidence that stands up in court.
Forensic Meteorologist since 2014
Provided over 200 written reports as an expert for attorneys, public adjusters, engineers, and insurance companies
Consistently admitted as an expert in court cases

John Choquette:

Lead Forensic Meteorologist

Forensic Weather Experts Who Strengthen Your Case

Our forensic weather experts provide highly detailed meteorological consultations and written expert reports tailored to each specific location. We specialize in cases involving hail, wind, hurricane, and tornado claims.

Expert Consultation

Consult with our weather experts to ensure the report meets your specific needs and requirements.

Understandable Report

Provide an expert report to a case that is designed by our weather experts to be a clear and concise explanation of complex scientific concepts.

Comprehensive Data

Receive a report from our weather experts that includes an extensive archive of weather data, such as satellite imagery, Doppler radar, and weather observations from on the ground.

Objective Data

Get an expert report that is an unbiased assessment of what occurred at a location for a particular storm.

Compelling Graphics

Strengthen your case with an expert report that includes visual graphics and radar images.

Tailored Analysis

Receive clear analyses for various case types, including hail damage, high winds and hurricanes, tornado impacts, and other weather-related analysis.

How Our Expert Reports Helped Our Clients in Court

In Northern Texas, a residential property had sustained roof damage from a severe thunderstorm wind event.

Using our experience and expertise with weather radar along with surface and radar data from the public record we were able to answer the following questions: What were the weather conditions at the residence on the provided date in question? What was the timing and directions of wind gusts in the at the location? Did a tornado occur at the property? What was the most likely date where wind gusts were strong enough for potential damage to occur? As a result, our client, the defendant's attorney was able to argue successfully that the roof damage was not caused by the event on the date in question due to the strongest wind in question staying greater than a mile to the south of the location. The roof damage was more likely caused by a significant wind event many years prior to the date in question.

In Florida, a group of properties sustained wind damage allegedly due to a hurricane moving through the area.

Using our meteorological experience and data from the public record we were able to answer the following questions: What conditions were present for each of the properties for the duration of the hurricane? What was the timing and strength of the wind gusts in the at the properties? What public watches and warnings were in effect at the time? What was the timeline of events of the hurricane? As a result, our client, the plaintiff’s engineer, was able to utilize our findings to argue successfully that the wind gusts from the hurricane in question were strong enough to produce the damage observed.

In the Great Lakes region, a property was damaged due to a severe thunderstorm.

Using surface and weather radar data from the public record in conjunction with our expert understanding of radar data, we were able to answer the following questions: What severe weather perils occurred at the property? How large was any hail present with the storm as it reached the surface? What public watches and warnings were in effect at the time? How long did the severe weather perils occur in the at the property? As a result, our client, the plaintiff’s attorney, was able to argue successfully that the severe weather event on the date in question had hail at the surface large enough to produce damage found by the other scientific experts. Thus, the defendant was liable for the damages.

Need A Different Report? Check out these:

Hail & Wind Weather History



Close Claims
Show an extensive history of hail, wind, hurricane, and tornado events at a location.
Meteorologist Reviewed



Create Credibility
Validate the date of loss with a meteorologist reviewed opinion of a storm event.
Meteorologist Certified



Expedite Disputes
Provide detailed analysis of the storm event.